

“…the good done, and the love that foresees more to do,
stimulate philanthropy and are an ever-present reward.”
— Mary Baker Eddy
Miscellaneous Writings, p. 238
You can maximize your giving and help Peace Haven at the same time
Peace Haven will be here for decades to come. Did you know your support can be, too? Your gifts help ensure the ministry of Christian Science nursing will continue for years to come.
Annual contributions to Peace Haven are helpful and essential. But planned giving — including Peace Haven in your Estate, Will, or Trust — can extend the impact of your donation many times over. It also provides Peace Haven with the resources it needs in the future.
Legacy gifts and planned giving
Planned giving is a way to support Peace Haven without surrendering access to the funds you need today. Typically, your gift is deferred until after your lifetime. Until that time, you have the right to change your mind at any time.
Regardless of the type of planned gift you choose, it is reassuring to know that your gift will extend your impact into the future. You will have the comfort of knowing that you’re contributing to Peace Haven’s mission for years to come.
Do you need to be wealthy to use planned giving?
No, but everyone benefits by planning ahead. Even donors of modest means can leave a lasting legacy. For example:
Suppose you have been giving Peace Haven a gift of $100 every quarter and you want this to continue in perpetuity. Consider making a one-time endowment of $8000. Assuming your $8000 contribution earns a 5% average return, that one-time contribution would generate $100 per quarter to Peace Haven for as long as it exists.
Why do people donate to Peace Haven?
People find joy in giving to Peace Haven for many reasons. Maybe they or a family member have found healing there. Or perhaps they want to make sure Christian Science nursing care will always be available for those who need it in the future. Or it may be someone’s way of affirming that Christian Science healing is legitimate and effective.
Regardless of the reason, we are all united in cherishing Mary Baker Eddy’s provision for Christian Science nurses (Manual, Art. 8, Sect. 31). And we are grateful for the role our donors play in supporting Christian Science nursing through their support of Peace Haven.
Why does Peace Haven need your financial support?
Approximately two-thirds of Peace Haven’s annual operating budget is covered by patient revenue. To make up the remaining third, including instances where Peace Haven offers benevolence to patients who are unable to cover the full cost of their Christian Science nursing care, Peace Haven depends on the generosity of the Christian Science field in the spirit of Paul who said,
“…this is not for the ease of others and for your affliction, but by way of equality—at this present time your abundance being a supply for their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality” — New American Standard Bible, II Corinthians 8:13,14
Peace Haven needs to raise more than one million dollars every year to cover its operational expenses. Annual giving is critical to meeting this need. Planned giving helps ensure that this need will continue to be met in the future.
Making Peace Haven a beneficiary of your estate
Adding Peace Haven as a beneficiary in your Will, Estate, Living Trust, retirement account, life insurance, annuities, or other financial instrument ensures that at the end of your lifetime, your desire to help Peace Haven will live on and continue to bless patients and Christian Science nurses alike. A gift to Peace Haven of a part or all of your retirement funds, such as your IRA, 401(k) plan, 403(b) plan, and some others, saves income taxes as those gifts typically are received by Peace Haven tax-free. It is easy to name Peace Haven as a beneficiary. Simply notify your plan administrator or agent and include the following information in your beneficiary documentation:
Name: Peace Haven Association
Address: 12630 Rott Road, St. Louis MO 63127
Peace Haven Tax ID number: 43-0677632
Description: (For example, cash or property)
When Peace Haven is named as a beneficiary of a financial instrument, the funds will usually pass to Peace Haven outside of probate and free of all taxes to you.
Do you need a Will?
No, but a Will is a way to ensure that your legacy goes to the people and causes that are important to you. If you don’t have a plan for distributing your assets, your state will make that determination for you through probate, and the result may not be aligned with your preferences or values.
If you don’t believe your estate will be worth enough to benefit from a Will, consider that in most cases one’s estate will grow considerably over time, resulting in a gift that is many times larger than you might imagine today.
How do you add Peace Haven to your Will or Trust?
Naming Peace Haven in your Will or Living Trust is the easiest way to support Peace Haven after your lifetime when you no longer have need of your assets. Below is the language we suggest be used in your Will or Revocable Trust, or share with your attorney:
I give ( ____ dollars) or ( ___ percent of the residue of my estate) or ( ___ percent of the residue of my trust) or (the following property) to Peace Haven, 12630 Rott Road, St. Louis, Missouri (Tax ID: 43-0677632), to be placed in (the General Operating Fund) or (the Board-Designated Sustainability Endowment Fund) or (either the General Operating Fund or the Board-Designated Sustainability Endowment Fund, or apportioned between these funds as deemed most beneficial by Peace Haven's administration).
If you want your gift to be used for a specific purpose at Peace Haven, you must state this also. If you do this, we strongly urge you to include a statement like the following:
“If the gift cannot be used for these intended purposes, it may be put toward such purposes as the board of directors decides."
Can I get some help from Peace Haven in setting this up?
Yes, Peace Haven has professionals who can help you when you have questions about including Peace Haven in your estate planning. Simply call us, or contact our Director of Development, Brian Webster (303-881-2573). He will help you or direct you to the resources you need to put a practical strategy in place. We do not provide accounting or legal advice. Either way, we suggest that you seek the professional advice from your accountant or attorney before considering any gift.
Thank you for your generous support of Peace Haven. With it, Peace Haven will continue to bless Christian Scientists who need a supportive environment for healing for many years to come.