
Thank You for Supporting Peace Haven!
Peace Haven relies on the love, support, and contributions of individuals, Christian Science churches, associations, and charitable foundations to provide services not fully covered by patient fees, or insurance coverage.
There are many meaningful ways you can give to Peace Haven.
General Fund Donation
Every donation is significant. Your unrestricted gift will support every area of our Christian Science nursing ministry: staff wages, benevolence needs, Christian Science nurses' training program expenses, equipment purchases, and more.
To make a cash donation, please make your check payable to Peace Haven Association and mail to: Peace Haven Association, 12630 Rott Road, St. Louis, MO 63127. To make an online contribution, please visit (use the Donate button at the top or bottom of this page and select “General Fund" in the drop-down menu).
Contribute a Monthly Gift
Sometimes it’s easier to make multiple small donations than one large one. Recurring monthly donations enable friends of Peace Haven to consistently support our healing ministry throughout the year. Monthly contributions help us sustain and plan for our mission-focused activities. Automatic transfers from your bank make the monthly giving process seamless, and you receive a year-end tax acknowledgement that highlights your monthly contributions.
Give a Multi-Year Gift
Every gift is a blessing, and we remain grateful for Peace Haven’s friends who have made and fulfilled multi-year gifts over two-, three-, four-, and five-year periods. We are happy to speak with you about your gift intentions.
Board-Designated Sustainability Fund
In February 2021, Peace Haven opened the doors of its new Christian Science nursing facility. This new facility replaced the one Peace Haven had occupied for nearly 70 years. It offers amenities that help our Christian Science nursing staff provide the best possible practical support for patients who are relying wholly on Christian Science for healing.
Knowing the importance of maintaining quality Christian Science nursing, as provided in Article 8, Section 31 of the Manual of The Mother Church, “Christian Science Nurse,” Peace Haven has established a Board-Designated Sustainability Fund that will ensure the long-term sustainability and viability of Peace Haven. Read more ...
Planned Giving
You can maximize your giving and help Peace Haven at the same time. Peace Haven will be here for decades to come. Did you know your support can be, too? Your gifts help ensure the ministry of Christian Science nursing will continue for years to come. Annual contributions to Peace Haven are helpful and essential. But planned giving — including Peace Haven in your Estate, Will, or Trust — can extend the impact of your donation many times over. It also provides Peace Haven with the resources it needs in the future. Read more ...
Create a Matching Fund
Encourage Peace Haven’s friends to join you in supporting our healing ministry. Consider making your donation part of a matching fund and doubly blessing our facility with your generosity.
Transfer a Gift of Stock
Transferring stock to Peace Haven without liquidating it allows you to deduct the entire amount from your taxable income and avoid paying taxes on the sale.
Transfer a Gift from Your IRA
If you are paying taxes on the annual required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your IRA, the IRS allows you to donate up to $100,000 of your annual RMD to charity tax-free. Consider making a donation from your IRA to Peace Haven.
Include Peace Haven Association in Your Will or Estate
Friends of Peace Haven who include us in their bequests do so with the foresight that their future contribution will bless our mission and activities and help sustain the healing ministry of Christian Science nursing for future generations.
Share Peace Haven with Family and Friends
It's natural to support the organizations whose missions and activities inspire and nurture you and your loved ones. Please consider sharing Peace Haven with family and friends! Give them the opportunity to be blessed by our programs, activities, and outreach efforts. Offer them the opportunity to join you in supporting our vital activities. Your commitment to sharing Peace Haven with others is a valuable, significant contribution to our work. Donations given by the friends and family who you introduce to Peace Haven will also be a wonderful blessing. Thank you, in advance, for your prayerful consideration of how you might share the good that is Peace Haven. Your efforts are sure to help us expand our reach.
If you would like to discuss how to make Peace Haven a recipient of an estate, trust, bequest, or life insurance policy, please give us a call.
Peace Haven is a not-for-profit organization. Gifts are tax-deductible according to current tax laws. Please call Peace Haven for additional information as needed. Note: Peace Haven staff cannot provide tax, financial, or legal advice. We invite you to consult your professional advisor(s) if you have questions about your gift plans for Peace Haven. Thank you!
Legal Name: Peace Haven Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Missouri
To mail a check, please send your gift to:
Peace Haven Association
12630 Rott Road
St. Louis, MO 63127
Peace Haven's federal tax ID is: 43-0677632
Contact Person: Brian Webster, Director of Development
Phone: 314.965.3833, ext. 151
Cell: 303.881.2573